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. Strategy, Design and Social Innovation Consulting
. Teaching and content creation for academic institutions. Coaching and mentoring
. Talks and workshops on Storytelling & Presentation Skills
. Promoting conversations about distress at the workplace 

Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Happy to connect with the world
Graphic Designer by education, Strategist, Professor and Facilitator by training. Holding a Post-Graduate Certificate in Social Innovation Management and always learning. Professor at Universidad de San Andrés and seasonal guest Lecturer at Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Maria worked for consulting agencies for over 20 years, helping organizations enhance their impact through strategy and design. Believing in the power of networking, she became an independent consultant in 2018 and was introduced to the worlds of social innovation and creative leadership. She is an advocate for collective knowledge and hopeful about the way we look at businesses. She is an ongoing collaborator for change-making organizations like ‘Brand The Change’, ‘A Tribe Called Humans’, ‘Break Down Wake Up’ and 'Amani Institute'.

Drawn to navigating complexity, she can't help thinking in systems.
Have a challenge? Please, get in touch:
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